Lowers pH, improves soil, and boosts nutrient availability!
Garden Sulfur is an effective amendment for lowering soil pH, enhancing soil structure, and increasing nutrient availability for plants. Ideal for addressing problem soils like alkaline or saline soils, it can help resolve conditions that hinder plant growth. If your hydrangeas, blueberries, or evergreens aren’t thriving, an unsuitable soil pH might be the reason. High pH levels (above 7.5) can lead to nutrient deficiencies, often visible as stunted growth or yellowing leaves. Garden Sulfur provides essential calcium and sulfur, vital nutrients that support numerous natural processes in both soil and plants.
Down To Earth Garden Lime - Calcium Carbonate
Sweetens soil to improve plant growth and maximize fertilizer performance!
Down To Earth Garden Lime raises soil pH to create ideal conditions for plant...
AZOMITE 0-0-0.2 Powder
Re-mineralize nutrient-depleted soils and support vibrant plant growth!
Down To Earth’s AZOMITE is a natural mineral product mined in central Utah. Formed from an ancient...
Langbeinite 0-0-22 Fertilizer
Supplies three vital plant nutrients!
Langbeinite is a naturally mined crystalline mineral that provides three essential plant nutrients: potassium, magnesium, and...